Ingrained Precision
in everything we do
MT EDEN – The entry by Master Builder Niels Anderson of Kris Anderson Builders, was for a comprehensive renovation of a traditional wooden villa in Mt Eden. Niels is known around Auckland for the quality of his work. Respect for his experience and skill, from the homeowner and the architect, meant Niels was given free rein to choose the cladding for the job.

The Registered Master Builders House of the Year competition is always a great opportunity for everyone in the industry to see the best of New Zealand residential construction. So we were delighted this year when A-lign was the cladding used on a Silver Award winner in the $500,000+ renovation category.
Niels had already used the A-lign system on several major reclads around Mt Eden. His experience with A-lign was that the quality of the design and manufacture of the A-lign system delivered to his own high standards of craftsmanship.
“The pre-cut scribers, the special baseboards, the fact that everything arrives primed and undercoated – it all saves time and labour. I just really like the whole package so when I priced up the cladding for this renovation, I just automatically priced for A-lign.”
For the team, it is always pleasing to hear from outstanding builders, just how much they like our A-lign system. Niels is now featuring in our latest A-lign advertisement, in the special publication produced by Master Builders for the House of the Year competition.
Congratulations Niels from the A-lign team. We’re delighted for you, and for your customers who will get a joinery-style finish that will stand the test of time.